Dec232020Nezařazené Check out Youth Impact ‘s Newsletter vol. 3/2020 to see what we’ve been working on in 2020! Category: NezařazenéBy Pavla23. 12. 2020Leave a comment Author: Pavla Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Trends in youth employmentNextNext post:All the best in the upcoming yearRelated postsEx-ante evaluation – or why and how to conduct evaluation before the project begins27. 7. 2022Mladí ľudia v kontexte zmien na trhu práce22. 7. 2022Is it worth doing an evaluation before a project starts?18. 7. 2022Creative techniques in evaluation17. 7. 2022Impact evaluation in small and medium-sized organizations. Is it possible?15. 7. 2022Innovative Solutions To Evaluation: Conference Publication30. 6. 2022