Youth Impact Newsletter 3/2020
Check out Youth Impact ‘s Newsletter vol. 3/2020 to see what we’ve been working on in 2020!
Check out Youth Impact ‘s Newsletter vol. 3/2020 to see what we’ve been working on in 2020!
The visible trend of the last two decades is decline of youth participation in the labour force. One of the main and positive reasons is increased enrollment in scholarization in secondary and tertiary education, resulting in a better-skilled workforce in many countries. The negative aspect is still a significant number of people who are not…
The European Commission’s initiative to “reinforce the Youth Guarantee aims to support young people gaining work experience and developing skills as well as to boost employability and entrepreneurship for a green economy. There is no doubt that the COVID-19 crisis will worsen employment opportunities, and it is feared that young women and men are hit…
Where you live influences your chances on the labour market – it is something that is well known.. It is much more interesting to research to what extent it affects those chances. In this article we look into NEET rates in four project partners’ countries to find out more. Place of residence is an interesting…
Participatory design is a popular model of impact evaluation design. It does not guarantee as much reliability and precision as experimental or quasi-experimental designs, but it brings broader range of perspectives. In participatory evaluation you refer to the perceptions of the participants of the evaluated project and, on the basis of the data obtained from…
Activity (of the evaluated project) – actions aimed at a specific target group, which contribute to the achievement of the planned outputs and outcomes, and then to the achievement of the project objectives. Example: Training in dyeing fabrics of 20 young mothers (who were unemployed at the start of the project and had to be…
Our long-term economic health and ability to address social and environmental problems is based on our ability to innovate. Young adults possess a variety of innovator traits, ranging from creativity to a willingness to challenge the status quo, which offer a valuable source of untapped potential. There is research that suggests that our innovation potential begins to decline…
YOUTH IMPACT team memeber from 4 partner countries (Czechia, Germany, Poland, and Slovakia) met 1-2 September 2020 on-line do discuss finalization of outcomes for work packages 4 and 5 of the project (Toolkits and blended learning courses) and the future of work packages 7 and 8. The meeting – which was first planned as an…
For governments and policy makers, COVID-19 is a chance to address the existing problems for younger European workers as youth unemployment looks set to peak. Europeans in their teens and twenties might be at minimal risk from COVID-19 itself, but they are at risk of significant financial impacts as the true economic fallout of the…
Inspired by ILO’s Guide on Measuring Decent Jobs for Youth: 4 – Enhancing youth employment learning through evaluation we would like to explain different types of evaluation and how they complement each other in the whole project cycle. Just to revise some of the evaluation theory, the following definitions might come useful: An evaluation is ‘an…