Youth Impact Evaluation Courses focused on Employment of people 15-24 on the Moodle platform of the project are being completed as the workshops in 3 Youth Impact partner countries progress.
For past 2 month, YOUTH IMPACT team has been carrying out blended learning courses for no less than 24 paticipants in each country: Czechia, Poland and Slovakia. Blended learning courses are series of workshops (attended online due to the current siutation) combined with e-learning materials created by the project team.
Courses focused on the impact evaluation of youth employment actions are available in all 3 languages and English as:
- Směrom k lepšej zamestnanosti mladých ľudí (SK)
- Twoja droga do lepszych projektów wspierających zatrudnienie młodych: Kurs e-learningowy o ewaluacji (PL)
- Cesta k lepší zaměstnanosti mladých lidí (CZ)
- Towards Better Youth Employment Projects (EN)
E-learning materials will be optimalized upon feedbacks from current workshop participants and courses will be made available for free to all impact evaluation students and enthusiast.
Upon finishing the blended and the e-learning materials withing Work Package no. 4, YOUTH IMPACT team is going to start working intensely on toolkit, blended and e-learning focusing in supporting ENTREPRENERSHIP of young people, which is the content of project’s Works Package 5. New learning opportunities with YOUTH IMPACT will be available over summer/autumn 2021. Stay tuned!